Thursday, April 10, 2008

That's Why I Keep Her Around

I'm OK with the semester ending. Really. It really stinks that all my friends are leaving, but I think it's good to get a change of pace and scenery and especially workload. I won't miss going to class and doing homework and dealing with angry people at Scroll. But there are a few things I'll miss, and one of them hit me this morning.

I fell asleep last night with Essentials in Comparative Politics open next to me on the bed, my laptop open and my fingers on the keyboard. The light was still on at 7:40 a.m. when LeaDawn came and poked me.

"Um, Bre? I think you have a class in 20 minutes," she laughed. I jumped out of bed, pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt and grabbed my backpack. I groggily said goodbye to LeaDawn, who was in the bathroom — I hadn't been in there yet. I was almost out the door when LeaDawn came and got me with one last thought.

"Hey, Bre? I know you're not getting ready before your class, but — you still might want to take out your retainer."

That's why I love LeaDawn.


Jenn J. said...

That is easily one of the funniest stories I've read in a very long time. Thanks LeaDawn, for saving my sister from humiliation. I worry what she will do this summer without you around. :)

The Front Page said...

So're having way too much fun. Thanks for all the news and for writing it so well....I had a great laugh.