Monday, April 7, 2008

Five semesters in a row is way too much

Today is a sad day.
A few hours ago, I sent my last page as Scroll editor in chief to press. I almost shed a tear. Almost.

But honestly, I felt tired. Not just I-didn't-get-enough-sleep-last-night tired or I-just-ran-three-miles tired, but I-feel-like-I-just-got-hit-by-a-truck tired.

Then I realized why — I'm finishing my fifth semester straight! Let's do some math: That's one semester more than any of my siblings attended Ricks College. I've taken 63 credits — I'm a junior in college. I only have three semesters left. I've helped put out, like, a hundred Scrolls. I've probably attended roughly 75 FHEs — many of which were excruciating (I had FHE brothers who collected guns and machetes and were completely obsessed with World of Warcraft — and they tried to ask me and LeaDawn out. We were horrified). Dozens of devotionals. Dozens of FA 100 events. Five semesters of Rexburg Housing approved apartments. Five semesters of I-Everything. Five semesters of recreational sports and the Spirit of Ricks. Five semesters of marriage-hungry RMs and Wednesday night country dancing. I'm barely TWENTY! And I wondered why I felt tired.

I-Can't take it anymore. Summer break, here I come.


Jenn J. said...

We've finally figured out just how long Bre can go before she reaches the breaking point. You've always been one who has to stay busy. I'm glad you are going to take a summer break. Good for you!... Oh, and I give it a week before you're going stir crazy. :) When that happens please come visit me, ok? Love you!

Jacob Divett said...

Waaah! I went like 8 semesters straight. But I was pretty cranky those last few semesters.

Jade said...

Whoa ... you are not 20. Nonononono. Nuh-uh. No. Not my little girl who I forgot to feed for weeks while your folks were in Egypt. Not 20. Nonononononono.