Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So long, farewell

Tomorrow is my last day as an official resident of Provo, and I have mixed emotions about it. I guess it's true that the one constant in life is change, and I'm just dealing with it like I've learned to.

I packed all of my stuff in less than two hours. It's crazy how empty a room can get in such a short amount of time. Tomorrow at circa 2:30 p.m., my manager will come and check to see if I adequately scrubbed the baseboards and got all my stuff out of here, and I'll hit I-15 running.

It's a funny thing, dealing with change. I went to visit some friends in the ward tonight and to say goodbye, but I wasn't sure how to do it. Do I tell them thanks for the good times? Do I take a Christmas gift? Do I stay and chat? Do we hug? I thought of sending them an e-mail or Facebook message, but if I'm going to do that, couldn't I do it just as well after the fact when I'm already home?

And I don't even know that this is goodbye. I remember when I said "goodbye" to my friend Jake — the first of my friends I graduated with to leave on his mission. I saw him over Thanksgiving break and he was pretty much the same (except with a couple years on his face and a hint of a Spanish accent). Back in August of '06, I didn't tell him goodbye at all. It's more of a "see ya later."

So I guess there's no reason, really, to be sad. No reason to say goodbye, even.

See ya later, Utah.


Geoff Nielson said...

You have a blog? wow.... who'dda thought. Sorry you have to leave Utah. come back to the real Zion! :D actually utah is awesome, but I love Idaho. anyways, glad to see you have a blog!

Jacob Divett said...

This makes me a little sad, and I'm not even the one moving.

Jenn J. said...

"...auf Wiedersehen, adieu.
Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu."

See you Wednesday! (I guess you'll see Utah sooner than you thought.) :)

AMIT said...

Its sad.But its good that u wrote blog about this.

BPO work from home