Monday, February 16, 2009

By popular demand

And, by "popular demand," I mean "The demand of my sister."

To all you Facebookers out there, I apologize. You've probably already seen this. But my AWESOME sister Jenny isn't part of that world, and she said she loves "25s" and requested that I put it up there.

Since I've never had a post request before, I'm totally honored. And obliged.

25 Random Things About Me:

1. I'm the youngest of six kids
2. I really like going to the gym
3. I have 18 nieces and nephews. That's more than pretty much everyone I've met at college.
4. I've worked for the Scroll since I started college and was editor-in-chief when I was 19. Sometimes people think I'm a super-senior because I'm still around, but I'm really a junior.
5. I look a lot like my mom and act a lot like my dad
6. My eyes have no real color — they're, like, blueish-greenish-grayish with yellow in them. I wanted to get colored contacts when I was younger but my brother Kendall told me he thinks my eyes are pretty and I've never wanted to change them since.
7. I've played the piano since I was six
8. I'm a total Daddy's girl
9. My sister is my best friend, and we're 10 years apart.
10. Ryan (my boyfriend) and I share cousins, but we're not related. We're on opposite sides of our cousins' family ... get it?
11. I have a REALLY high forehead, but I'm not balding. I was born that way.
12. I use to have really dark hair, but my dad said I looked "kind of gloomy," and he offered to pay to have it lightened up. He said he needed to "keep me marketable." Good thing I know he loves me. :)
13. I have the AP Stylebook pretty much memorized
14. I'm a closet bubble-gum pop music fan sometimes. My iPod has a bad habit of coming out with a Jonas Brothers or Taylor Swift or, sometimes, Miley Cyrus song. Don't judge me.
15. Sometimes I write stories in my head while I walk to class. And headlines.
16. I obsessively clean my ears. It's not unusual for me to do it at least once a day. And yes, I know that's not necessarily healthy.
17. I could eat string cheese and drink Viva chocolate milk with every meal and not get sick of it for at least, I daresay, a year
18. I really like reading. And it's a good thing, because I'm reading about a novel a week for one of my classes.
19. I've been to Hawaii twice
20. I choked on a penny when I was a year old. My mom slapped me on the back and it came flying out. Apparently you're not suppose to do that because it can lodge it deeper, but it didn't that time. I'm glad.
21. I played the violin in orchestra all through high school and, looking back, it's one of my favorite memories.
22. My favorite roommate just got married and I miss her sometimes
23. I've never seen Mary Poppins
24. I'm going on the MesoAmerica Tour for study abroad this summer.
25. Brown is my favorite color.


Yo Momma Lindsey said...

I'm so honored to be a part of #10!! It's true everyone. I'm one of the cousins.... and no, they are not related!!!

Natasha said...

I can't believe that you have never seen Mary Poppins! I love that movie! I saw you at devo today but then I had to leave fast after it was done! Come visit me!

Jenn J. said...

Yay, you posted it! Thanks for adding it for those of us non-Facebookers. (Shocking that such a thing even exists, right?!)
Ok, first things first... did you add that part about me being your best friend just because you knew I'd be reading this? :) Genius! Just kidding... I love and adore you and whole-heartedly agree. Although, when (and why?!) was that horrible 80's era in which that hairdo I have in that picture was EVER cool? Seriously. Ugh.
Speaking of hair, thank goodness dad kept you marketable long enough to score that non-relative boyfriend of yours. Everytime I think of that hair story I still laugh... hard.
Oh, and the only thing that I really didn't know about you on this list was that you had never seen Mary Poppins. I'm not really surprised though because I had never seen it until after I got married and Eric found out I had never seen it either. We own it now, so you can watch it next time you stop by if you want. You know, if we aren't watching reruns of The Office or something.

shaneshaneshane said...

I write stories in my head too! And I love chocolate milk! We should be friends! Wait, we are! Yay!

P.S. Who is your boyfriend? Call me sometime. :) 8085422137

Camille said...

So fun to get to know you better!! I think we would get along fantastically (is that a real word?). More than a few of these could be on my list. Including the ear one, but unfortunately not the Hawaii one.... AND Ryan and I share ALL The same cousins. ;-)

Jared said...

REXBURG, Idaho--A BYU-Idaho student is giving rave reviews this week of a popular new blog.

Jared Smart told Bre Bennett this week that he loves the posts she adds to her blog to keep her friends updated.

"I love how fun and YOU it is. It's perfect. It makes my day every time I read a new post," said Smart, a friend to Bennett for more than a year.

Smart also said he enjoys the pictures and comments that are left.

"I especially enjoyed the picture of your eyes. they are very pretty," he said.

Smart mentioned that he also enjoyed the Bride's Guide and the fact that Bennett makes up stories and headlines in her head.

Smart plans to continue following Bennett's blog and hopes that even when she gets married she'll remain one of his good friends.

"Because, honestly, what's life without having Bre in it?" he said.

Lylene said...

I loved your post. Thankfully, I got to be there for most of them - even the day of the "got to keep you marketable" topic. Well, I guess I'll go buy some more string cheese and chocolate milk :)

JeNnA said...

I absolutely loved reading about you. and i didn't know you had a boyfriend! how exciting!! and yes your eyes are beautiful!! very fun post!! (and I really like your dark hair)