Monday, May 11, 2009

Treat Your Mother Right

Happy Mother's Day! Have you noticed that Mother's Day is one of the few holidays that really gets the celebration it was intended to get? It's in good company — Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, Independence Day and (perhaps) Halloween are about the only other ones I can think of that really get the celebrations they warrant. And I'm not so sure about that last one, because last Halloween I was one of TWO people that dressed up in my office. And there was no candy involved.

But I digress. Mother's Day is perhaps one of the most well-founded holidays we have. I know my mom deserves a holiday all on her own. I guess it's all right that she shares with all the other moms in the world, and I know it's really not feasible to give all the stellar moms in the world their own day. But if I could, I'd make Lylene Day the next national holiday.

This year, Mother's Day fell on May 10 — I feel a top 10 list coming on.

1. She has the six best kids and 18 best grandkids around
2. She works harder than anyone else I know
3. She would do anything for anyone — she's the most service-oriented person I've ever seen. It's become a joke in our house that you have to make sure that soup isn't for the Sick and the Afflicted before you can eat any.
4. She can cook, sew, play the piano, hook up TVs, braid hair, paint fingernails and get grass stains out of baseball pants like no one's business.
5. She's a great teacher.
6. She's a people person, and that makes her so fun. There's always something to talk about and something going on.
7. She can shoot a gun like Annie Oakley. I've never actually seen it, but I've heard about it. Even the mental picture makes me proud.
8. She can keep a mean baseball score book. I've actually never seen anyone better.
9. She keeps the cleanest house I've ever seen. I use to think that was normal, but as I've gotten older, I've realized she really is one of the most tidy people I know. I think it's related to #2.
10. She's the happiest, cutest, sweetest, funniest, hardest-working lady ever.


[ P.S. As much as I wish my words were enough, I still think Mr. T says it best: Mr T. Treat Your Mother Right]


Yo Momma Lindsey said...

Yes, it's true. I think your mama does deserve her own holiday!!!

Tara said...

Ditto the Lylene National Holiday! I used to love visiting your mom in the library at Ricks!

LeaDawn said...

I agree! Your mom is awesome!
Question about #... the one about shooting. I thought your family didn't do guns? Isn't that related to war somehow? :D

Jenn J. said...

Bre, I don't appreciate you stealing my words and claiming them as your own. Shame on you.

Ok, fine. So I didn't come up with this, but I could have, or I would have if, well, anyway... it's all true, even if it makes me look bad that you thought of it first. :) Our mom is phenomenal, and if I accomplish in an entire day, what she accomplishes in an hour, I feel like I've done great.

I'm surprised that in all our dating days we never saw that Annie Oakley come out in her. Disappointing really.

Mom, you know I love you and I'm happy I taught Bre everything I know so that she could come up with this list for us... yeah, 'us.' That's it.

Happy Mother's Day!