Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still old.

Yesterday, this guy came into the office when I was proofing pages before we sent Scroll to print. This guy came in and was trying to get my attention.

Me: Can I help you?
Guy: I have a question, when you get a minute.
Me: Go ahead.
Guy: But first — how old are you?
Me: (thinking, huh?) Twenty-one.
Guy: Oh, you're only 21? OK.
Me: Why?
Guy: Oh, I'm doing a project on alternative students, and I thought you could help me.

Alternative students? That's the word people use for moms who didn't finish school and come back later. Alternative students are old — though, I admit, my bad hip wasn't helping me out on this one.

Me: You thought I was an alternative student?
Guy: Yeah, well, 24 or 25 at least.
Me: Thanks?
Guy: Yeah. Uh, you're welcome. I'm not sure if that was a compliment. My wife would slap me if I told her that.
Me: Yeah ...

Thus ended the most awkward conversation of the day. And thus I became self-conscious the whole time I was getting ready this morning. "Ryan? Does this make me look old? Do pearl earrings make me look old? Should I put a little bow in my hair?"

Maybe I should skip getting a job and jump straight to retirement.

Disclaimer: I realize that 25 is NOT old. It's just the idea of "You're only 21? You look like you're WELL past that!" that bothers me.


Camille said...

I'm not sure which I find more entertaining. The term "alternative students" or the fact that he knew his wife would slap him for saying she looked 24. I wish I looked 24... ;-)

Aaaah, Rexburg. I miss you.

Katie said...

That is too funny. The other thing I thought was funny was he was implying that if you were 24 or 25 that you were an alternative student. I think guessing people's ages is a double edged sword and EVERYONE should just avoid it. I am in the Young Women Presidency in my ward and at one of our recent meetings, I was sitting with the young women before it started and then I got up to speak (with my pregnant belly sticking out to China). After the meeting one of our new YW dad's came up to me after and expressed that he thought I was one of the YW up until I introduced myself as the 1st councilor. So he thought I was just a pregnant teenager and shared that with me. Good times.

Natasha said...

Bre! I get this all of the time! I had this guy come into work a while ago and asked me if I was 28....yeah I hate that people think I look that old. I also had a bunch of girls in my major that told me they thought I was at least 24......yeah it's not fun.

JGW said...

I wasn't aware that 24-25 classified you as an alternative student ...

Breanna said...

I know, right? The whole conversation was just bizarre.

Greg said...

Wait until someone gets the door for you and says, "how are you, sir?"

Sounds like you guys need to get to Provo where 25 is a normal student's age.

Kenblog said...

...don't get me started...

Lylene said...

Those "old" and "still old" posts are soooooo funny; but just don't get me started either. However, I may be your Mom; but I haven't been to a doctor about my hips yet.

Yo Momma Lindsey said...

One word: JERK!

JeNnA said...

I ahven't been through here for awhile, and I don't know why because its the most entertaining blog there is.... but I am glad that you are doing well... considering that you are "getting old" (I will be 23 in a month..... my hips are crazy too... maybe that because I haveing a kid in a month) no but I lvoe your blog and glad things are well!!

Ashley Sullenger said...

Oh Bre! I just had to leave a comment, your post made me laugh! Alternative student huh? I would have to disagree. And I loved the wife would slap me comment. Anyway, it sounds like you two are doing well. Keep the funny posts coming!

Laura said...

Just throw on some hot pink or black nail polish, like we did in high school, and no one will question you again. I guarantee it. haha